Session 09-02 a meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee was called to order by Chair Marquardt at 5:37 p.m. on February 17, 2009 at the City Hall Cowles Council Chambers located at 491 E. Pioneer Avenue, Homer, Alaska.


COMMITTEE MEMBERS:            Haina, Marquardt, Roberts, Smith, Velsko                              


STAFF:                                     Public Works Director Meyer

Deputy City Clerk Jacobsen




Mr. Smith asked that the Committee add discussion about 4 way stop sign on Heath Street and Pioneer under New Business. The amended agenda was approved by consensus of the Committee.




There were no public comments.




There were no items for reconsideration.




A.         Meeting Synopsis from January 21, 2009


The synopsis was approved by consensus of the Committee.




There were no presentations scheduled.




Councilmember Roberts commented that she presented the Committees memorandum at the last Council Meeting. There was some interest in a couple of the bullet items and she thinks there will be some kind of resolution coming forward.




There were no public hearings scheduled.




There were no pending business items.




A.         Draft Comprehensive Plan Review, Chapter 5


The Committee discussed Chapter 5 of the Draft Comprehensive plan.


·         Clarification of the intent on Page 5-5 Number 2 at the top regarding subdivision and substandard part of the road leading up to it the City could require the developer contribute funds to bring it up to City standards. It is an open ended statement, and at what point do you say that a subdivision’s responsibility ends for increased traffic.

·         Add definitions of what an upgrade is. Is it paving, ditching, striping, and so forth.

·         Goal 1 Objective A, add a point 4 to encourage the State of Alaska to maintain their road system within the City of Homer, or something to say ADOT should try to help the City meet Goal 1. Not stating something in the documents shows that we think they are being maintained to an acceptable level now, perhaps there are some who don’t think so.

·         Moving the airport wouldn’t be very feasible. If there is no plan to put in an instrument landing system at the airport we have now, it isn’t likely that one would be added to an airport that we move. Another location in the hills would likely have worse weather than down at sea level.


Mr. Haina was excused at 6:20 p.m.


Public Works Director Meyer said he would discuss the Committee’s comments and concerns with the Planning Staff and report back.


B.         Review of Chapter 11, Design Criteria Manual, and Standard Construction Specifications


The Committee briefly discussed different options for working toward updating the Design Criteria Manual, including expending funds to have it done, doing it in-house, and amending the Anchorage plan to be more in line with the needs of Homer.


The Committee agreed to bring specific recommendations to the next meeting so they can make a decision on how to proceed. They asked if staff could provide information on the estimated cost of working with this either in house or having it done by another firm.


C.         Four Way Stop at Heath Street


The Committee discussed whether or not there is a point in pursuing recommendation for four way stops at Heath Street and Pioneer.


·         It was noted that the angle of the intersection is somewhat skewed and the turn lane coming uphill on Heath Street make it a difficult intersection.

·         Is there enough distance between the stop at East End Road and Lake Street, or should that one be removed to accommodate a four way stop at Heath and Pioneer.

·         Will it have an adverse effect on the businesses with driveways that front this stretch of road.


There was consensus of the Committee to request that Public Works Director Meyer request the state DOT take a look at the feasibility of a four way stop at Heath and Pioneer.




There were no informational materials included.




There were no audience comments.




Public Works Director Meyer commented that the Trails Manual was approved at the last City Council meeting.




Councilmember Roberts commented that City Attorney Klinkner noted that there may be some legal issue with the recommendation in the TAC memorandum regarding voting non objection for a road improvement. She asked if Attorney Klinkner would provide some comments that could be shared with the Committee.




Chair Marquardt had no comments.




Mr. Smith advised the Committee that he would be absent at March next meeting.




There being no further business to come before the Committee the meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2009 at 5:30 pm in the City Hall Cowles Council Chambers.





