Memorandum 12-130 Denali Commission Harbor Projects

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 


3575 HEATH STREET HOMER, AK 99603 FACSIMILE (907)235-3145


TO: Walt Wrede, City Manager

FROM: Carey Meyer, Public Works Director

DATE: August 13, 2012

RE: Denali Commission Harbor Projects Design Grant

Resolution 12-43 (approved by the City Council on May 14, 2012) formally accepted the recommendations of the Harbor Commission regarding grant funding, revenue bond sale, and fee adjustments necessary to complete improvements in the Small Boat Harbor.

The City Manager has made application for and has received notice of award for a Grant from the Denali Commission in the amount of $440,000 (with a 20% matching requirement - $110,000)

One other grant has been accepted and appropriated for these projects (Resolution 12-19 in the amount of $32,687.50). This grant is funded through the KPB (Commercial Vessel Passenger Tax Program).

Some additional funding (perhaps from the Port and Harbor Reserve Fund) will be necessary to complete the design of the three projects (Ramp 3 Replacement, System 5 Improvements, and Float Replacement projects) as shown below:

Anticipated Design Costs Float Replacement $ 570,000
Ramp 3 Replacement $ 62,000
System 5 Improvements $ 75,000
$ 707,000
Current Funding
Denali Commission Grant $ 440,000
KPB Grant $ 32,687.50
$ 472,687.50

1) The City Council pass an ordinance accepting and appropriating a Denali Commission grant in the amount of $440,000 (with a 20% match) and authorize the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents.
2) At a future meeting, the City Council should pass an ordinance appropriating the additional required design funding from the Harbor Reserve Fund in the amount of $234,312.50.