Memorandum 18-050 Greatland Extension Additional Funds

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Memorandum 18-050

TO:                        Katie Koester - City Manager

FROM:                 Carey Meyer - Public Works Director

DATE:                   April 13, 2018

SUBJECT:          Greatland Street Extension Request for Additional Funding

The City Council passed Ordinance 18-07, appropriating $671,053 from the Homer Accelerated Roads and Trails Program (HART) for the Greatland Street Improvements Project (based on the original project scope). The City Council passed Resolution 18-020(A), directing the design team to finalize the design of the project, including the addition of sidewalk on the east side and providing street lighting along the entire length of Greatland Street.

This additional work was beyond that anticipated in the original budget established under Ordinance 18-07. Based on the final design, the cost of the additional work is as follows:

Sidewalk on the East Side of Greatland Street                          

New Handicap Ramp at the Sterling Highway             $  3,580

Excavation                                                                          $  6,750

Asphaltic Concrete/Leveling Course                              $24,900

Topsoil/Seeding                                                                 $  2,400

                                                  Subtotal                             $37,550


Street Lights (along existing Greatland Street)                          $35,510

Additional Design                                                                           $  3,442


Contingency (5%)                                                                            $  2,870

Total Additional Cost                                 $79,452


Recommendation: The City Council adopt Ordinance 18-24 amending the 2018 Operating Budget by appropriating an additional $79,452 from the Homer Accelerated Roads/Trails Program for the construction of Greatland Street Extension.