Memorandum 10-12 Amending Standards for Mobile Homes

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TO: Mayor Hornaday and Homer City Council
THRU: Walt Wrede, City Manager
FROM: Rick Abboud City Planner, Julie Engebretsen, Planning Technician
DATE: December 30, 2009
SUBJ: Ordinance 10-xx amending HCC 21.54.060 Standards for Mobile Homes


Before the Title 21 code rewrite in 2008, all mobile homes were required to meet a few requirements – i.e. have sanitation facilities, be skirted, and in some cases, have tie-downs (earthquake straps). When Title 21 was re-written, this section of code was changed in such a way that it appears to only apply to mobile homes in mobile home parks. One could imply individual homes on individual lots don’t have to meet these standards. One could also misread the code to say that mobile homes are only allowed in mobile home parks, despite being a listed use in several districts. The purpose of this ordinance is to clear up any confusion. The minimum requirements apply to all mobile homes, and placement in a mobile home park is not required by 21.54. No new requirements are proposed.

The Homer Advisory Planning Commission recommended adoption of the ordinance at their December 2, 2009 meeting.

Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance 10-xx amending HCC 21.54.060 Standards for Mobile Homes.