Memorandum 10-130 Public Arts Committee Administrative Guidelines Update

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 


DATE: OCTOBER 13, 2010
Introduction :

During the October 11, 2010 regular meeting Council requested Resolution 10-80 and 10-81 postponed for further clarification regarding the proposed changes and updates to the Administrative Guidelines the Public Arts Committee would like implemented.

The Public Arts Committee with the assistance of staff have diligently researched and compared other similar programs in Alaska and neighboring states in the Lower 48. The research indicated the current guidelines and policies were woefully lacking and seriously out of date. This was pointed out to the Committee members with the advent of the Fire Wise Mural and the Jean Keene Memorial that there should be standard policies in place for the City of Homer to accept donations of works of art and established guidelines to make that transition go as smooth as possible.

Following is a narrative regarding the purpose of the change and/or addition of sections to the Administrative Guidelines.

Lines 6 - 10 no change - original paragraph establishing the committee

lines 12-33 new – describes the purpose the of the committee
gives direction to the committee for establishing goals
and projects

lines 35- 49 new – detail information on the make-up of the committee
allowing for members that are not city residents. this
follows a format that is used in the other boards, commissions

lines 50-64 new – more detail description on the term of a committee
member following the format as previously established

lines 66-100 new – this section details the committee overall responsibilities and
duties these duties regarding establishing policies is incorporated
in the existing guidelines.

lines 101-113 new – identifies the officers and terms

lines 114-120 revised – addresses changes to the regular meeting schedule, times and
length being conscious of the effect of staff overtime in regards to budget
constraints. the time change is necessary for retention of existing members who have additional constraints on their personal time during standard business hours. it is also to be a tool to encourage more participation from the public who otherwise are unable to attend a mid-day meeting.

lines 121-130 new - establishes the standards for scheduling meetings, that a quorum is required to have a meeting, where the meetings are to be held and that all meetings are to be recorded. this is a standard for all city meetings, but is not addressed in the existing guidelines.

lines 131-182 new – establishes procedures and operations. following the current edition of robert’s rules of order, alaska statutes and borough code; number of members that constitute a quorum; number of votes to pass a motion; deadline for adding items to the agenda; reporting to council; agenda format; and requiring notes to be taken by a designated committee member for inclusion in the next meeting packet. these guidelines are similar to established procedures for other commissions and boards.

lines 183-230 revised/updated – 1% for the arts program. incorporates the alaska statute that enacts this program; identifies the definitions for different mediums used in creating works of art and what projects would include the 1% for art program; and additional responsibilities under the program.

lines 231 – 232 new – section title name change

lines 233-242 revised – line 240 pac change to public arts committee – reads well with the spelled out instead of using moniker.

lines 243-303 revised – minimal changes to wording only.

lines 304-351 revised – minimal changes to wording only.

line 353-388 new – adding accession policy – this section is adding to give direction on establishing a process to review artwork for acceptance/inclusion into the municipal art collection. the committee realizes that display space is at a premium with the municipal facilities and that not every piece of art is suitable for public display. this section establishes direction on what can be accepted by the city.

lines 389-490 new – adding gift policy – this section deals with establishing the criteria for the committee to review proposed gifts of artwork. it outlines the policy or procedures for proposing a donation and the process and making a presentation to the committee.

lines 491-538 revised – updating the registry documentation adding pertinent information necessary to document the work of art; identifies who receives notice of apparent vandalism.

lines 539-581 revised/updated – section on de-accessioning artwork updates policy on when an item in the collection can be de-accessioned and when this should be considered; and possible alternatives other than destruction or return to artist.

lines 582-628 revised/updated – section addressing the responsibility of the committee to promote placing art in public and private businesses and creating overall awareness and appreciation for art and holding art related events, including brochures, advertisements, booths, etc.

lines 629-656 new – establishing art fund and policy for receiving monetary donations and use of those funds.