Memorandum 11-021 RE: Energy Conservation Measures – City Facilities Prioritization of Projects

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 


3575 HEATH STREET HOMER, AK 99603 FACSIMILE (907)235-3145


TO: Walt Wrede, City Manager

FROM: Carey Meyer, Public Works Director

DATE: February 8, 2011

RE: Energy Conservation Measures – City Facilities
Prioritization of Projects

At the City Council meeting on January 24, the Council requested that Public Works prioritize the recommended energy conservation measures. The following list gives a greater priority to projects that have the shortest payback period:

Project Cost Payback (yrs)

1) Airport HVAC Improvements $ 8,982 1.4
2) Sewer Treatment Plant Pump Motor Upgrades $ 58,679 4.7
3) Police Station Lighting Upgrade $ 50,561 6.0
4) Police Station HVAC Improvements $ 8,856 6.2
5) Airport Terminal Lighting Upgrade $ 84,009 8.1
6) Public Works Piping Insulation $ 13,748 8.1
7) Sewer Treatment Plant lighting Upgrade $ 64,082 8.6
8) Sewer Treatment Plant Lagoon Solar Aeration $ 108,850 8.7
$ 397,767

Completing the above projects would utilize the AEA Grant funding ($227,800) and $169,967 of the $315,000 energy revolving loan fund.

9) Homer Harbor Lighting $231,335 8.9
10) Raw Water Pump Station Pump Motor Upgrade $166,089 13.4

To complete these last two projects will require additional funding. If no additional funding is forthcoming, $145,033 worth of the Harbor Lighting Upgrade project could be completed with the remaining energy revolving loan fund balance.