Memorandum 11-080 Borough CAD Program

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 
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DATE: June 3, 2011
TO: Mayor Hornaday and Council
City Manager Wrede
FROM: Mark Robl, Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Borough CAD Program

The police department is withdrawing from participation in the borough’s program to install computer aided dispatch systems in all dispatch centers in the borough. Unanticipated personnel shortages in dispatch have contributed to scheduling problems that are making it very hard to contribute the man-hours to the project that it needs. Even an infusion of more funding for overtime will not alleviate this problem. Additionally, there are many unanswered questions about how much maintaining the system will cost us in the future. It is certain to put a continuing strain on our dispatch supervisor’s time which is already completely allocated and then some. I have now learned that the potential benefits of a CAD system to a small agency such as ours are few and will not be realized for years to come. Combined with the potential future unknown costs and the certainty of the increased manpower requirements, I cannot find suitable justification to utilize our limited resources to pursue a CAD system for Homer.