Memorandum 11-099 Alaska Public Library Assistance Grant Award and Budget Revision

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Memorandum 11-099

TO: Mayor and Council
THROUGH: Walt Wrede, City Manager
FROM: Ann Dixon, Library Director
DATE: July 18, 2011
SUBJECT: Alaska Public Library Assistance Grant Award and Budget Revision

Each year the Homer Public Library applies for the Alaska Public Library Assistance Grant, a matching grant funded by the State of Alaska. As in past years, we were awarded the grant. When we applied for the grant, the amount offered and requested was $7,000. However, the State Library, which administers the grant, has reduced that amount to $6,500 because not enough money was appropriated to fully fund the grants. In that case, each grant to qualifying libraries is reduced proportionally.

The Homer Public Library is obligated to match at the original amount of $7,000. The funds are intended to be spent on books and library materials. Our current book budget will meet the $7,000 requirement.

I have revised the budget, as requested by the Alaska State Library. The agreement is ready to be approved and signed. It must be received by the State Library by September 1 in order to receive this year’s award.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance 11-31 accepting the Alaska Public Library Assistance Grant and authorizing the Library Director and the City Manager to execute the Grant Agreement.