Memorandum 12-095 Jail Contract Renewal for FY 2013

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 




DATE: May 25th, 2012
TO: Walt Wrede, City Manager
FROM: Mark Robl, Chief of Police
SUBJECT: FY 2013 Jail Contract Renewal

The Department of Corrections has offered to renew our existing jail contract for FY 2013 for $637,218. This is an increase of $26,119 from FY 2012. I feel this is a very fair amount and I recommend we obtain council permission to renew this contract.

Over the past 18 months the chiefs of Alaska’s Community Jails have been meeting with DOC officials to discuss our jail contracts. One result of these discussions has been a focus on equitable contract amounts through a closer review of our actual jail budgets. This has resulted in more work for our finance department as they have been tasked with submitting monthly budget detail to the state. But the extra work is paying off and I have been assured by our finance director that the increased work has not been a problem


Fiscal note: Revenue, $637,218.00 to 100.030.4503