Memorandum 13-039 Wastewater Treament Plant Flood Damage

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 


PUBLIC WORKS        TELEPHONE (907)235-3170
3575 HEATH STREET HOMER, AK 99603        FACSIMILE   (907)235-3145


TO:  Walt Wrede, City Manager

FROM: Carey Meyer, Public Works Director

DATE:  March 18, 2013

RE:  Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Damage – January 2013
  Request for Funding

The City’s wastewater treatment plant was damaged on January 13, 2013 due to unprecedented flooding at the plant.  The lower level of the plant was flooded with 3-4 feet of water; damaging an air compressor, parts and supplies; post treatment UV disinfection equipment; SCADA cards; and pumps, motors, and other supplies and tools.

The Finance Department has made a claim to our insurance carrier (AML) based on data provided by the treatment plant operating personnel.  The claim includes the cost of replacing all damaged equipment and supplies; and the labor cost associated with returning the plant to its pre-flood operational status.  Public Works is providing AML with all necessary information needed to finalize our claim; all indications are that the cost of repairs will be covered by our insurance policy. The policy in effect at the time of the incident has a deductible of $100,000.

Currently, Public Works estimates that the cost to repair the damage (including replacement of damaged items and labor associated with flood response, clean-up, and repair) totals between $130 – $150,000.  Public Works has every reason to believe that our insurance will cover all costs in excess of $100,000.

The flooding was a result of the “surcharging” of the lift station wet well and the sewer lines coming into the treatment plant. This condition forced water up into the floor drains serving the lower level of the plant. Public Works has determined how to keep this from happening again. A valve will be placed on the floor drain piping between the plant and the wet well (in a new manhole). This installation (expected to be completed this Spring by City personnel) is estimated to cost up to $10,000.

Recommendations:  The City Council pass an ordinance authorizing the use of Sewer Reserve account funds to complete repairs to the wastewater treatment plant in the amount of $100,000; and an additional $10,000 to complete improvements that will keep similar flooding from occurring again.