Memorandum 13-166 Economic Development Advisory Commission Status Update on Projects of Resolution 12-041

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 
No Status


Memorandum 13-166
TO:  Mayor Wythe and Homer City Council
FROM:  Economic Development Advisory Commission
DATE:  November 15, 2013
SUBJECT: Status update on Resolution 12-041
The Economic Development Advisory Commission has been working under the direction of Resolution 12-041, passed by the City Council in May of 2012 to give further instruction to the Economic Development Advisory Commission on priorities from the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Resolution 12-041 asked the Commission to focus on and provide recommendations regarding the implementation strategies including timetables, responsible parties and funding sources for the following priorities:
• Affordable Housing
• Voc-Tec or Marine Tech training and education
• Market Homer for High Tech Business
• Downtown Vitalization
• Expand Water and Sewer Distribution Systems and the Number of Customers
• Expand Shoulder Season Sports
• Promote Homer as an Agricultural Center
The purpose of this memo is to update the Council on the status of their work. The Commission has thoughtfully considered each topic and decided to eliminate certain topics for the following reasons:
• Downtown Vitalization. According to the CEDS, downtown vitalization refers primarily to Town Center. The EDC felt that at this point community interest and momentum in Town Center is lacking. The EDC will continue to look into suggestions for Downtown beyond specifically Town Center development.
• Expand Water and Sewer Distribution System and the Number of Customers. The EDC felt infill and expansion of the water sewer system is not directly related to economic development and therefore outside the scope of the Economic Development Advisory Commission.
The EDC has begun work on a number of  the topics listed in Resolution 12-041 and will be coming to the Council with specific recommendations and implementation strategies in the coming months. The EDC welcomes any further recommendations or suggestions from Council regarding the remaining economic development directives in Resolution 12-041.