Memorandum 14-056 Reducing Commission, Board, and Committee Meetings

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 
No Status

Related Meetings


Memorandum 14-56

TO:                      MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL


DATE:                 MARCH 17, 2014


At the January 13, 2014 council meeting the Council discussed the idea of reducing commission, board, and committee meetings. The Council requested that the commissions, board, and committees be notified and discuss the prospect of reducing the number of meetings. To date, all commissions, the Library Advisory Board, and Public Arts Committee have discussed the idea and provided their feedback.


The Planning Commission was excluded from the idea of reducing meetings due to the time constraints on planning and platting matters.


The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission has agreed to exclude three monthly meetings in addition to December that is currently excluded. Those three months are January, June, and July. A bylaws amendment is required to reduce the number of meetings. The commission must hear the bylaws amendment at two meetings before the recommended amendment is forwarded to the Council. It is anticipated the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission will review the bylaws amendment at their March and April meetings. The Council should receive the recommendation at their April 28th meeting along with an ordinance to amend city code.


The Library Advisory Board has agreed to exclude meeting the months of January, April, August, and November. This adjustment requires a bylaws amendment which will be scheduled for their April and May meetings. The Council should receive their recommendation at their May 27th meeting. Their meetings are not defined in city code; therefore, no ordinance is required.


The Port and Harbor Advisory Commission and the Economic Development Advisory Commission have both recommended no adjustments to their meeting schedules. The Public Arts Committee recommends retaining their current quarterly meeting schedule.   


The Permanent Fund Committee will discuss reducing their quarterly meetings to biannual at their next meeting in May. A recommendation will be forthcoming.


The current Lease Committee will meet on March 21st to address two leases. A resolution to amend the make-up of the Lease Committee will be scheduled for Council’s April 14th meeting.


The commissions, board, and committees prefer to be allowed to schedule special meetings without Council approval.



Ordinances and resolutions will be scheduled after the commissions and the Permanent Fund Committee hear the bylaws amendments/meeting schedule changes and make their recommendations to the Council. No action is required at this time.