Memorandum 14-104 Extension of Greatland Street North

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Memorandum 14-104 


TO:                      Walt Wrede, City Manager

FROM:                Carey Meyer, Public Works Director

DATE:                 June 16, 2014

SUBJECT:         Extension of Greatland Street - North                        



Extending Greatland Street north to Pioneer Avenue is complicated by the recommendations of the Homer 2005 Transportation Plan recommendations for this area. See attached Figure A.


The recommendations call for Bartlett Street to be extended south across Pioneer Avenue and curve east over to Main Street. Greatland would be extended north to the new Bartlett, but the northern portion of Greatland would be vacated.  If Greatland was extended all the way north to Pioneer Avenue, a portion of Greatland Avenue would have to be abandoned.


Figure B shows the existing property owners in the affected area. Figure C shows how Bartlett would be extended south and east to Main Street and how property ownership might change.




Extend a gravel pedestrian trail up Greatland to Pioneer Avenue. This would provide immediate pedestrian access to Pioneer Avenue.
Extend a gravel road and trail up Greatland. This would provide immediate vehicular and pedestrian access to Pioneer Avenue, but would create a relatively expensive road maintenance situation. If and when the recommendations of the Transportation Plan are implemented, the gravel portions can be removed within the portions of Greatland that are vacated.
Extend a paved road and trail up Greatland. This would provide immediate vehicular and pedestrian access to Pioneer Avenue with a relatively low cost road maintenance situation. If and when the recommendations of the Transportation Plan are implemented, the paved portions can be removed within the portions of Greatland that are vacated.
Wait to Extend Greatland until Bartlett Extension is Complete. This would efficiently expend project monies, but postpone the extension of Greatland until entire project is planned and designed.