Memorandum 14-130 Harbor Improvements Construction Schedule

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Memorandum 14-130

TO:                        MAYOR BETH WYTHE & HOMER CITY COUNCIL



DATE:                   AUGUST 19, 2014



After years of planning and prep work, it is construction time in the harbor!  Our primary contractor, Harris Sand and Gravel, has been hard at work organizing, overseeing, and planning all the logistical needs of the Homer Port and Harbor float replacement project.  I want to update Council and the public on the improvement progress.  Because of the large to-do list, construction is scheduled to begin right after September 1, 2014, Labor Day, to ensure we get as much done before the harbor sees ice congestion.  The project timeline is as follows:

After Aug. 28            Float Delivery at Deep Water Dock – clear east of JJ Float for staging

After Sep. 2               Water line and electricity demob./installation at Ramp 2 and beyond.  Water will remain off until spring.

Sep. 4 – 6                   Remove A Float from Ramp 2 to K Float.  Remove Ramp 3.  Remove J Float.

Sep. 7 – 23                Install all replacement floats and Ramp 3.  Electricity and water line systems will be installed right after new floats are in.

Sep. 23                       Remove R and S floats.

Sep. 25 – Oct. 4       Install new R and S floats.

Work crews will continue installing water lines and the all-new dry fire line beyond this timeline, but of most concern to our lessees is that the float work for A, J, R, S, and T – W floats will proceed as closely as possible to the above schedule.


We are happy that the float replacement project’s scope of work has expanded to include HH and JJ Float.  As this revision is recent, we do not have a construction schedule available yet.  It is our hope that Harris Sand and Gravel will continue over from S Float, and begin removing HH and JJ floats; details will be available soon.


Harbor Staff will be coordinating with the contractor and vessel owners to ensure all vessels in the affected areas are relocated during construction.  Notices will be posted at the tops of ramps, on the floats, at the Harbor Office, and on the Homer Port and Harbor’s web page as to what vessel owners are required to do.




For informational use