Memorandum 14-157 Capital Improvement Plan Final Draft

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 


Memorandum 14-157

TO:                        Mayor Wythe and Homer City Council

THROUGH:         Walt Wrede, City Manager

FROM:                  Katie Koester, Community and Economic Development Coordinator

DATE:                   October 8, 2014

SUBJECT:           Capital Improvement Plan Final Draft

The purpose of this memo is to present the Council with a final draft version of the 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Plan and incorporate the Council’s recommendations from the September 22, 2014 meeting.

The Capital Improvement Plan has undergone extensive review by staff, City Boards and Commissions, the Public, and the Council. Once the Council adopts Resolution 14-093, the 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Plan will be distributed to our State delegation, posted on the City’s website, and used as a guiding document to pursue capital funding opportunities. The Federal Priorities enumerated in Resolution 14-093 will be submitted to Federal delegation.

Enc: 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Plan Final Draft