Memorandum 15-161 Strategic Doing Worksession for Deep Water Dock

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Memorandum 15-161

TO:                       Mayor Wythe and Homer City Council

FROM:                 Katie Koester, City Manager

DATE:                  September 23, 2015

SUBJECT:         Strategic Doing: Deep Water Dock


At the last strategic doing work session Council received an update on the status of the Deep Water Dock feasibility study. Preliminary reports indicate that the expansion as originally envisioned may not be the most feasible project in the near term. The consultants found in their interviews with customers and potential customers at the Deep Water Dock the need for improved traffic flow for freight and a secure staging area. Public Works Director Meyer and Port and Harbor Director Hawkins came up with the attached proposal to use the $1 million legislative appropriation that the City received 6 years ago towards the goal of expanding freight capabilities at the Deep Water Dock. It is important that this project a) lays necessary groundwork for any future expansion project and b) delivers a tangible and useful product with the funds available. The goal is to have these funds encumbered soon after the first of the year. Project description is attached.

R&M Consultants has also worked with the Public Works Director and Port and Harbor Director on preparing the attached brochure to send to customers and potential customers highlighting the assets of the City of Homer Port and Harbor. This brochure will be distributed to everyone on the interview list and available for staff and Council when promoting the Port of Homer.


Deep Water Dock Uplands Improvements Scope of Work and Map

Business begins where the land ends brochure