Memorandum 15-169 2016 Draft Budget

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Memorandum 15-169

TO:                       Honorable Mayor Wythe and Homer City Council

FROM:                 Katie Koester, City Manager

DATE:                  October 7, 2015

SUBJECT:         Presenting the 2016 Draft Budget

Attached you will find a budget message that outlines two budgets: Budget A – assumes revenue and Budget B – bare bones. The budget book that will be given to Council on October 12 is budget A. Budget B, which consists of approximately 12 line item changes, will be incorporated into the enacting Budget ordinance as a conditional amendment if no revenue solution if secured (introduced on October 26).


I have included summary pages for both budget A and Budget B, though most of the detail regarding proposed cuts is in the budget message. As you are aware, the City Manager budgets are merely a starting place, Council has an opportunity to propose amendments beginning at the October 26th meeting. I have included a budget amendment form. Please specify on your form if you are making an amendment to Budget A, Budget B, or both Budgets A and B.



Budget message

Summary page for Budget A and Budget B

Budget amendment form