Memorandum 16-034 Statue Donation

Memorandum ID: 
Memorandum Status: 

Related Meetings






February 1, 2016


City Manager Koester


Mark Robl, Chief of Police


Statue Donation




Last fall, local area resident Alan Kelly passed away. Kelly loved dogs and frequently walked them on Bishop’s Beach. His brother, Steve Kelly, is a bronze sculpture artist. He has made a bronze sculpture of a dog as a memorial to Alan. Steve has been communicating with the Homer Animal Friends and would like to donate the statute to the Friends in his brother’s memory. The friends would like to place the statute in the memorial garden which is to the left of the driveway in the rocky area in front of the shelter. Alan’s friend Ken Lewandowski has offered to pour a small concrete pad for the statute to sit on.


The statute is 2 ½ feet high and about 2 feet wide. It sits on a round bronze base and has a plaque at the base of its feet. It has horns and wings to represent a dog as being part angel and part devil. The artist estimates the value of this piece at $6,000.


Since this art work will be placed on city property, I request permission from the council to accept it and authorize the installation.