City Clerk's Office


Seawall Improvement Special Assessment District Neighborhood Meeting

Seawall Improvement SAD Neighborhood Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Join by phone:
        +1 669 900 6833; +1 253 215 8782;  Toll free 877 853 5247 or 888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 934 9078 6304  Password: 311042


Vote By Mail System - A Solution to Vote by Mail or In Person

Voting is the foundation of our democracy. Active participation in the electoral process is necessary for high functioning governance to that effect and increase voter participation by developing sustainable election processes that maximize accessibility and inclusivity while conserving public resources. 

Alder Lane Special Assessment District Neighborhood Meeting

Alder Lane Special Assessment District Neighborhood Meeting on Zoom  Password: 735104

Or Telephone Dial:  +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) or Toll Free 888 788 0099 or 877 853 5247

Meeting ID: 938 3150 0243  Password: 735104

Submit Written Testimony for Commission and Board Meetings

Submit your comments to the Commissions or Board by using the Written Testimony web-form below.  If you are having any issues, ​call the City Clerk's Office at 907-235-3130.

Meeting agendas and packets in electronic form can be found online by going to the City's Meeting List and selecting the meeting you are interested in.


Public testimony will be heard from citizens in the order in which they have signed up.

The date of when the meeting will be can be found on the meeting's agenda and City meeting calendar.
What type of comments will you be giving? *
You selected Public Hearing Comments. List the specific public hearing agenda item you wish to comment on.
You selected Plat Consideration Comments. List the specific plat agenda item you wish to comment on.

By submitting this form, I am giving the Clerk permission to read my testimony into the record.

Acknowledgement *

Sign-Up for Telephonic Testimony at Commission & Board Meetings

To sign-up for telephonic testimony during a Commission or Board meeting, complete the Sign-Up for Telephonic Testimony web-form below or ​call the City Clerk's Office at 907-235-3130.

Meeting agendas and packets in electronic form can be found online by going to the City's Meeting List and selecting the meeting you are interested in.


Public testimony will be heard from citizens in the order in which they have signed up.

Use a land line and avoid speakerphone, if possible. If using a cell phone, ensure you are in a location with sufficient coverage.
The date of when the meeting will be can be found on the meeting's agenda and City meeting calendar.
What type of comments will you be giving? *
You selected Public Hearing Comments. List the specific public hearing agenda item you wish to comment on.
You selected Plat Consideration Comments. List the specific plat agenda item you wish to comment on.

By submitting this form, I am giving the Clerk permission to call me at the phone number provided when it is my turn to speak.

I understand that if I do not answer the phone the Clerk will move to the next person on the list.

I understand that once I am placed into the meeting, I will wait to be called on by the the Presiding Officer, who will ask that I state and spell my name and identify my residency before my 3 minutes for testimony will begin.

Acknowledgement *

How to Participate in Public Meetings

In A COVID-Conscious Way

Invitiation to Bid 2020-2022 Public Works Gravel Supply

City of Homer
Project No. GRVL-20

Submit Written Testimony to City Council

Submit your comments to City Council by using the Written Testimony web-form below.  If you are having any issues, ​call the City Clerk's Office at 907-235-3130.

Meeting agendas and packets in electronic form can be found online by going to the City's Meeting List and selecting the meeting you are interested in.


Written testimony will be provided to City Council electronically prior to the meeting.

The date of when the meeting will be can be found on the meeting's agenda and City meeting calendar.
What type of comments will you be giving? *
You selected Public Hearing Comments. List the specific public hearing agenda item you wish to comment on.

By submitting this form, I am giving the Clerk permission to forward my testimony to the City Council.

Acknowledgement *

Sign-Up for Telephonic Testimony

To sign-up for telephonic testimony during a City Council meeting, complete the Sign-Up for Telephonic Testimony web-form below or ​call the City Clerk's Office at 907-235-3130.

Meeting agendas and packets in electronic form can be found online by going to the City's Meeting List and selecting the meeting you are interested in.


Public testimony will be heard from citizens in the order in which they have signed up.

Use a land line and avoid speakerphone, if possible. If using a cell phone, ensure you are in a location with sufficient coverage.
The date of when the meeting will be can be found on the meeting's agenda and City meeting calendar.
What type of comments will you be giving? *
You selected Public Hearing Comments. List the specific public hearing agenda item you wish to comment on.

By submitting this form, I am giving the Clerk permission to call me at the phone number provided when it is my turn to speak.

I understand that if I do not answer the phone the Clerk will move to the next person on the list.

I understand that once I am placed into the meeting, I will wait to be called on by the the Presiding Officer, who will ask that I state and spell my name and identify my residency before my 3 minutes for testimony will begin.

Acknowledgement *

Stay Connected with City Council


1.  Zoom:  Log in information is found on the meeting webpage. Go to the City's Meeting List, find the meeting you wish to attend, and follow the instructions provided. 

2.  Tune in to KBBI AM 890:  All City Council meetings are broadcasted on KBBI AM 890 live.
