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Effective Date Ordinance ID Summary Details
Tue 2/25/20 20-09

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Accepting and Appropriating the FY20 State of Alaska Community Assistance Program Payment in the Amount of $152,080.41 to the Old Middle School Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance Fund. City Manager.

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Tue 2/25/20 20-08(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Chapter 5.42 Single Use Carryout Plastic Bags, Section 5.42.020 Definitions to Remove Bags Made of Any Material Labeled as Biodegradable and as an Exception and Define Compostable. Venuti.

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Tue 2/11/20 20-07

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the Capital Budget and Authorizing the Expenditure of up to $100,000 in Pass Through Funds for Repairing Damage to the Deep Water Dock. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 2/11/20 20-06

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY 2020 Capital Budget by Appropriating Funds in the Amount of $750,000 from the General Fund Fund Balance for the Purpose of Reinitiating and Conducting a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Investigation Study for the Homer Large Vessel Port Expansion. Smith/Lord.

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Tue 1/28/20 20-05

An Ordinance of the Homer City Council Adopting the Industrial Waste Permit. City Manager.

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Tue 1/28/20 20-04

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the Capital Budget and Authorizing $20,825 Additional Pass Through Funds for the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT) Lake Street Project. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 1/28/20 20-03

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code 21.70.040, Permit Terms to Require an As-Built Survey be Submitted to the City Planner After Completion of any Building or Structure.

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Tue 1/28/20 20-02

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the Homer City Zoning Map to Rezone Lot 9 Tract A, Nils O Svedlund Subdivision Amended Excluding any Portion within Lot 9A Thomas Shelford Subdivision ’68 Addition a Portion of the Residential Office (RO) Zoning District, to Central Business (CBD) Zoning District.

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Tue 1/28/20 20-01

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY 2020 Operating Budget it Fund Anticipated Repairs to the Seawall by Establishing Authority in the 2020 Budget for Emergency Repairs to the Seawall. City Manager.

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19-59 Failed

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Approving the Sale of the Homer Public Library Lot Located at 3713 Main Street and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents to Dispose of the Lot. Venuti. 

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Tue 1/14/20 19-58

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Addressing the Recommendations from the Altman Rogers & Company HAWSP Fund Balance Analysis Report. Mayor.

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Tue 1/14/20 19-57(S-2)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Transferring Necessary Funding to Properly Close Projects Citywide in the 2019 Fiscal Year (General Fund, Water/Sewer Fund and Port & Harbor Fund). Mayor. 

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Tue 12/10/19 19-56

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Moving Expenditures in the Amount of $92,852.24 Previously Allocated from the General Fund Operating Fund to now be Allocated from the Natural Gas Line Capital Project Fund for Legal and Travel Related Expenses Associated with ENSTAR Tariff Filing 310-4. Mayor. 

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19-55(S) Failed

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code 2.08.030 Composition of Governing Body-Terms of Office to Clarify the Time for Election Certification. Evensen/Hansen-Cavasos.

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Tue 12/10/19 19-54(S-2)(A-2)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the 2019 Operating Budget to Appropriate an Amount not to Exceed $50,000 from the HART Fund for the Purpose of Developing a Wayfinding-Streetscape Plan for the City of Homer, Authorizing the City Manager to Prepare an RFP for Consultant Services and Authorizing the Establishment of a Wayfinding and Streetscape Task Force with the Consultant. Venuti/Smith.

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Tue 12/10/19 19-53

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code 1.16.040 Fine Schedule and Chapter 5.42 Carryout Bags, Sections 5.42.020 Definitions and 5.42.020 Exceptions. Venuti.

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Tue 10/29/19 19-52

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY 2019 Capital Budget to Fund Emergency Repairs to the Homer Fire Hall Appropriating $100,000 and Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Phase 1, Mitigation. City Manager.

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Tue 12/10/19 19-51(A)

An Ordinance of the Homer City Council Appropriating Funds for the Calendar Years 2020 and 2021 for the General Fund, the Water Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Port/Harbor Fund, and Internal Service Funds. City Manager.

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Tue 11/26/19 19-50

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code 21.30 Marine Industrial Zoning District Section 21.30.020 Permitted Uses and Structures, to add Boat Sales, Rentals, Service, Repair and Storage, and Boat Manufacturing as Permitted Uses and Section 21.30.050 Conditional Uses and Structures to Remove Boat Sales, Rentals, Service, Repair and Storage, and Boat Manufacturing as Conditional Uses. Planning Commission.

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Tue 11/26/19 19-49(S)(A)

 An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Imposing a Temporary Six-Month Moratorium on Applications for Professional Offices and Medical Clinics in the Residential Office District and Directing the Planning Commission to Make a Recommendation to the City Council for the Creation of a Medical District in the Vicinity of the South Peninsula Hospital During this Time Frame. Smith.

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An Ordinance Of The City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY 2019 Capital Budget by Re-Appropriating $35,000 from Homer Education and Recreation Center (HERC) Demolishment Study Approved in Ordinance 19-35(A)(S) to Contract with Grow Economy to Write and Apply for a United States Economic Development Administration Planning Grant for the Demolition of The Homer Education and Recreation Complex (HERC) and the Development of a Regional Innovation Plaza at the HERC, Provide Matching Funds to the Grant, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents. Smith/Stroozas.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Repealing Homer City Code 2.76 Economic Development Advisory Commission, Requiring Economic Finding to Accompany Recommendations from City Commissions, Establishing an Official Mayoral Appointment to the Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District Board of Directors City of Homer Seat and Encouraging Appointment of Task Forces to Address Timely Community Issues, Creating an Annual Process for the City to Review and Take Action on Prioritized Economic Development Issues, and Amending Homer City Code 2.58.020 Creation of City Boards and Commissions to Delete (e) Economic Development Advisory Commission. Lord/VenutiErickson.

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Tue 10/29/19 19-46

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Chapter 2.60, Parks, Art, Recreation, and Culture Advisory Commission, Section 2.60.010(A) Created-Membership, to Reduce the Number of Members from Nine to Seven. Aderhold.

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Tue 10/29/19 19-45

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Accepting and Appropriating an FY2019 State Homeland Security Program Grant in the Amount of $255,005 for a Back Generator at the Fire Hall and a Dispatch Console for the Police Department and Appropriating $24,704 from the Police Station Reserve Account to Purchase a Computer Hardware Integrated Workstation to House the Dispatch Console. City Manager.

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Tue 10/29/19 19-44

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Accepting and Appropriating an FY2017 State Homeland Security Program Reallocation Award for an Amount no to Exceed $53,324.58 to Replace Mobile Radios in the City's Radio Communication System and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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