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Effective Date Ordinance ID Summary Details
Tue 10/11/22 22-69

An Emergency Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Appropriating $40,000 from the Homer Accelerated Roads and Trails Road Fund to Repair Alder Lane and Authorize an Increase in the East Road Services Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract for this Work. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-68(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending Homer City Code 21.12, Rural Residential District; Homer City Code 21.14, Urban Residential District; Homer City Code 21.12 Residential Office District; Homer City Code 21.18, Central Business District; Homer City Code 21.20 Town Center District; Homer City Code 21.22, Gateway Business District; Homer City Code 21.24, General Commercial 1 District; Homer City Code 21.26, General Commercial 2 District; And Homer City Code 21.27, East End Mixed Use District, Regarding Conditional Uses in each District. Planning Commission.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-67

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Authorizing a Transfer of $438,315 from the Utility Fund Fund Balance to include $200,000 to the Water Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund and $238,315 to the Sewer CARMA Fund and by Appropriating those Amounts from the Water CARMA and Sewer CARMA Funds Accordingly to fund Projects identified in the Water and Sewer Financial Plan. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-66

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $69,110 from the Port Reserve Fund to Rebuild Crane #7 on Homer Fish Dock and Authorizing a Sole Source Contract with Great Northern Hydraulics, LLC. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-65

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting and Appropriating a 2022 Commercial Passenger Vessel Tax Program Grant from the State of Alaska for $35,445 and a Commercial Passenger Vessel Tax Program 2022 Pass-Through Grant from the Kenai Peninsula Borough in the Amount of $35,445 to Rebuild Crane #7 on Homer Fish Dock and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-64

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Accepting and Appropriating an FY23 Designated Legislative Grant from the State of Alaska for the Purpose of New Large Vessel Harbor Matching Funds for an Army Corps of Engineers General Investigation and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-63

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Accepting and Appropriating a Grant with the Alaska Energy Authority in the Amount of $79,500 for the Design of a Micro-Hydro Unit in Homer’s Water System and Authorizing a Sole Source Contract to InPipe Energy for Design Services of the Micro-Hydro Unit(s) in the Amount of $79,500. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 10/25/22 22-62

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Operating Budget by Appropriating $10,000 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance to Fund Part of the Homer Business Advisory Position for the Alaska Small Business Development Center, and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. Venuti/Erickson.

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Tue 11/1/22 22-61

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the City of Homer Water and Sewer Rates and Updating the City Fee Schedule Accordingly. City Manager/Finance Director.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-60

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting and Appropriating the Second Tranche of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds in the Amount of $716,685.16 to Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) to Fund Necessary Utility Infrastructure Projects. City Manager/Finance Director.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-59

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the City of Homer Fee Schedule under City-Wide Administrative Fees for City Lease Fees.  City Manager/City Clerk.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-58

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Authorizing a Total Transfer of $208,000 from the Utility Operations Fund Fund Balance to Include $52,000 to the Water Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund and $156,000 to the Sewer CARMA Fund.  City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-57

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $15,000 from the General Fund Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance Fund for Fencing at the Skyline Drive Fire Station. City Manager/Fire Chief.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-56

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Operating Budget by Appropriating $93,750 from the Water/Sewer Inventory Account for the Purchase of Concrete Septic Tanks. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-55

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $370,263 from the Utility Fund to Fully Fund the Repair of the Belt Driven Clarifier Skimmers at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-54

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Extending the Appropriations for Previously Funded Capital Projects through the end of Fiscal Year 2023. City Manager/Finance Director.

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Tue 9/27/22 22-53(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Chapter 2.58, Boards and Commissions Section 2.58.020 Creation of City Boards and Commissions and Adopting Chapter 2.70 Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Board. Aderhold.

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Tue 9/13/22 22-52

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $275,000 from the General Fund Fund Balance as a Contribution to Settlement of a Disputed Claim in Superior Court Case Number 3HO-20-00251CI and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Full, Complete and Total Settlement Agreement in Compromise of a Disputed Claim. City Manager/Finance Director.

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Tue 9/13/22 22-51

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting and Appropriating the FY22 State of Alaska Community Assistance Program Payment in the Amount of $98,714.98 to the General Fund Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund for ADA Improvements. City Manager.

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Tue 9/13/22 22-50

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting and Appropriating an Alaska State Library Interlibrary Cooperation Grant in the Amount of $8,058 to Purchase a Microfilm Reader for the Homer Library.  City Manager/Library Director.

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Tue 9/13/22 22-49

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Chapter 18.08 City Property Leases to Clarify General Lease Management Procedures and Related Matters. City Manager/City Clerk.

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Tue 9/13/22 22-48(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Title 3 by Adding Chapter 3.15 Homer Accelerated Water and Sewer Program (HAWSP) Fund Codifying the Establishment of the HAWSP Fund and Related Matters. City Manager. 

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Tue 8/23/22 22-47

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Authorizing Pass Through Funds for the State of Alaska Pioneer Dock Fender Repair Project. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 8/23/22 22-46

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $27,823 from the General Fund Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance Fund to Purchase Patrol Equipment for the Homer Police Department. City Manager/Police Chief.

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Tue 8/23/22 22-45

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $126,917 from the Homer Education and Recreation Complex (HERC) Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund and $26,083 from the General Fund CARMA Fund to Demolish the Smaller Old School Building known as HERC 2. Mayor.

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