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Effective Date Ordinance ID Summary Details
Tue 2/28/23 23-12

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $63,070 from the Port Reserves Fund for Professional and Technical Assistance to Support Submission of a Port Infrastructure Development Program Grant Application for the Purpose of Float Replacement in the Small Boat Harbor. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 2/28/23 23-11

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating an Amount not to Exceed $650,000 from the General Fund Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund for the Purpose of Developing a New Comprehensive Plan and a Complete Title 21 Zoning and Planning Code for the City of Homer. City Manager.

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Tue 2/28/23 23-10

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Authorizing an Expenditure of $482,412 from the Homer Accelerated Water and Sewer Program (HAWSP) Fund to Provide Interim Financing to Complete the East Bunnell Ave./Charles Way Water and Sewer Improvement Projects. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 2/28/23 23-09

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $40,000 from the General Fund Fleet Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund for the Purchase of an Arctic Shark Ice Removal Attachment and Authorizing a Sole Source Purchase from Ultramech, LLC. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 2/28/23 23-08

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Section 21.20, Town Center District. Planning Commission.

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Tue 2/14/23 23-07

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $6,950 from the General Fund Fleet Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund for the Purchase of a Mobile Radio from ProComm Alaska. City Manager/Police Chief.

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Tue 2/14/23 23-06

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting a Donation from Homer Rotary in the Amount of $8,112 and Appropriating $6,115 for the Purchase of Motorola Pagers and $1,997 for Restoration of an Antique Water Tanks. City Manager/Fire Chief.

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Tue 2/14/23 23-05

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $20,239 from the General Fund Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Allowance (CARMA) Fund for the Purpose of Obtaining Short Term Rental Tracking Services from GovOS. Aderhold/Davis.

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Tue 1/24/23 23-04

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $38,775 from the Port Reserves for the Purpose of Purchasing Two Additional Parking Pay Kiosks and UPSafety Parking Management Software. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 1/24/23 23-03

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $24,000 from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Hickory Maintenance Reserves for the Purpose of Contracting with Alaska Industrial Services for Fender Repair s to the Hickory Berth and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 2/14/23 23-02(A)

Ordinance 23-02(A), An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating an Amount not to Exceed $70,00 from the Land Reserves to Purchase a 4.53 Acre Parcel in the Bridge Creek Watershed Protection District. Aderhold.

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Tue 1/24/23 23-01

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Renewing the Appropriation of Funds in the Amount of $750,000 from the General Fund Fund Balance for the Purpose of Reinitiating and Conducting a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Investigation Study for the Homer Large Vessel Port Expansion. City Manager.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-82

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Operating Budget by Appropriating $652,500 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance to Fund Two Full-Time Firefighter/EMT Positions through the end of FY25. City Manager.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-81

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting and Appropriating a Reimbursable Code Blue Grant in the Amount of $55,000 and Appropriating an Amount not to exceed $300,000 from the General Fund Fleet Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance (CARMA) Fund for the Purchase of an Ambulance. City Manager/Fire Chief.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-80

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $271,517 from the Sewer Capital Asset Repair and Maintenance Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Electrical Control Works for the City’s Sewage Lift Stations. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-79

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $408,073 from the Port Reserves for an Owner’s Representative for the New Large Vessel Harbor and Issuing a Task Order to HDR to Provide Owner’s Representative Services. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-78(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $49,690 from the Port and Harbor Reserves for the Design of Parking Improvements to the Parking Lots at the Boathouse Pavilion, Seafarer’s Memorial, and Harbor Ramps Three and Four and Authorizing the a Task Order to HDL Engineering to Complete the Work. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-77

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $25,000 from the Homer Accelerated Roads and Trails (HART) Road Fund for an On-Call Services Contract with the Kachemak Bay Conservation Society and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-76

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Accepting and Appropriating an FY22 State Homeland Security Grant in the Amount of $43,702.43 from the Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHS&EM) to Upgrade the City’s Radio Communication System, Authorizing a Sole Source Request to Contract with ProComm Alaska and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-75

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Accepting and Appropriating a Matching Grant from the State of Alaska Municipal Harbor Grant Program in the Amount of $366,000 for the Harbor Basin Cathodic Protection Project and Appropriating an Additional $174,050.90 from the Port Reserve Fund to fulfill the City’s 50% Match Requirement. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 11/29/22 22-74(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $7,400 from the Port Reserve Fund to Repair and Replace the City Ice Plant’s Ammonia Lines and Valves and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents to Contract with Alaska Industrial Services for the Repair. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 11/15/22 22-73(S)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY22 Capital Budget to Authorize the Expenditure of $97,860.73 from the Sewer CARMA Fund to Fully Fund Repairs of the Broken Clarifier Belt at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 1/24/23 22-72(S-2)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code Title 19, Parks, Campgrounds, and Public Places and Section 19.08.070, Certain Acts Prohibited; Section 19.20.020 General Rules, and Title 1, General Provisions, Section 1.16.040 Disposition of Scheduled Offenses. City Manager.

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Tue 11/15/22 22-71

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY23 Capital Budget by Appropriating $20,250 From the Port Reserve Fund to Pump, Dispose/Recycle, and Replace the City Ice Plant’s Ammonia Stores and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents for a Sole Source Contract with Multifrost. City Manager/Port Director.

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Tue 1/10/23 22-70(A)

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending Homer City Code, Section 21.60.100 Signs Exempt from Regulation to Exempt Signs Not Legible from Public Rights of Way. Lord.

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