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20-46 Failed

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Promoting Natural Gas as a Cleaner Heating Fuel and Amending Homer City Code Title 7 Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 7.16 Operating, Stopping or Parking of Motor Vehicles in Beach Areas Prohibited-Exceptions, by Deleting Section 7.16.020(b). Evensen.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Enacting Homer  City Code Chapter 1.71, Water and Sewer Advisory Commission. Zak.

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19-59 Failed

An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Approving the Sale of the Homer Public Library Lot Located at 3713 Main Street and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents to Dispose of the Lot. Venuti. 

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Enacting Homer City Code Chapter 1.77, Utility Advisory Commission to Establish the Utility Advisory Commission and Prescribe its Duties.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the  Definition of “Discontinued” in Homer City Code 21.61.015, Definitions, to Exclude  From the Time for Which a Nonconforming Use May Cease the Time From the Death of  Its Operator Until the Use is Legally Available for Transfer to a Successor Operator.  Mayor/City Manager.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Homer, Alaska, Amending the Homer City Zoning Map to Rezone Portions of the Rural Residential (RR), Urban Residential (UR) and Residential Office (RO) Zoning Districts to East End Mixed Use (E-MU). Van Dyke.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending Homer City Code Section 2.48.040, Board—Creation and Membership, to Decrease From Five to Three the Number of Library Advisory Board Members Who Must Be City Residents. City Manager/Library Advisory Board.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Enacting Homer City Code Chapter 6.18, Marijuana Establishments, Prohibiting the Operation of Marijuana Cultivation Facilities, Marijuana Product Manufacturing Facilities, Marijuana Testing Facilities, and Retail Marijuana Stores in the City. Smith/Van Dyke.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Repealing Homer City Code 18.08.120 Sublease, and Revising Homer City Code 12.08.180 Assessments; Capital Improvement Projects. Hogan

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY 2012 Operating Budget by Appropriating and Transferring $86,000 from the General Fund Balance to the Utility Fund, Water Operating Account, and Appropriating and Transferring $86,000 from the General Fund Balance to the Utility Fund, Sewer Operating Account, to Compensate for the Reduction of Water and Sewer Customer Charges by Resolution 12-025. Mayor.

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An Ordinance of the Homer City Council, Amending HCC 3.12.020  Permanent Fund Contributions, and HCC 3.12.060 Expenditures of Income, to Provide  that Five Percent of Income from the Homer Permanent Fund Income Sub-Fund is  Available to be Appropriated for Grants to The Homer Foundation for the  Benefit of the  Community. City Clerk/Permanent Fund Committee.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending Homer City Code 2.08.040.m Regarding Compensation for the Mayor and Council, and Amending the FY 2014 Operating Budget by Appropriating $8,775.00 From the General Fund-Fund Balance for Mayor and Council Member Compensation. Burgess/Lewis/Roberts.

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An Ordinance of the Homer City Council Submitting to the Qualified Voters of the City the Question  Whether Marijuana Establishments Shall be Prohibited in the City at a Special Election to Be Held April 19, 2016, and Prohibiting Marijuana Establishments in the City Until Certification of the Result of the Election on that Question. Mayor.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Homer City Code 2.08.120 to Allow Councilmembers to Attend an Executive Session of the City Council by Telephonic Means.

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Resolution 24-091, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Authorizing the Purchase and Installation of a Natural Gas Burner in the Homer Education and Recreation Complex (HERC) Boiler in the Amount of $14,000 and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending Homer City Code 21.20.040 Regarding the Dimensional Requirements in the Town Center District to Increase the Maximum Floor Area of Retail and Wholesale Business Uses Within a Single Building from 75,000 to 100,000 Square Feet, and to Increase the Maximum Footprint Area of a Building Whose Main Use is Retail or Wholesale Business from 75,000 to 100,000 Square Feet. Zak

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An Ordinance of the Homer City Council, Amending HCC 9.16.040 and HCC 9.16.100 to Make Certain Categories of Nonprepared Foods Subject to the City of Homer Sales Tax on a Year-Round Basis. Lewis.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending Homer City Code 2.08.100 to Clarify That the Mayor Retains the Right to Cast a Tie-Breaking Vote Even When Attending a Council Meeting Telephonically and Amending HCC 2.08.120 to Permit Council Members to Participate in More Than Three Meetings Telephonically Where Otherwise Permitted by the Homer City Code. Mayor. 

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Repealing Homer City Code 17.04.100, Subdivision after Levy of Assessment.

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Ordinance 24-43, An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending the FY25 Capital Budget by Appropriating an Additional $15,000 from the Port Reserves Fund for the Harbor Basin Survey Project. City Manager/Port Director.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the FY 2010 Operating Budget by Appropriating $10,000 from the Sister City Reserve Account for the Purpose of Celebrating the Twenty-Five Year Anniversary of the Sister City Relationship Between the City of Homer and Teshio, Japan. City Manager

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Enacting Homer City Code Chapter 8.02, Business Licenses, Regarding the Requirement of a License to Engage in Business in the City; and Enacting Homer Code 9.16.015, Determining when a Sale, Rental or Service Occurs in the City. Hogan.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Appropriating $60,000 from the General Fund Reserve and Transferring These Funds to the Kenai Peninsula Borough to Support Renovation of the Homer High School Track Complex Including All Additive Alternatives. City Manager.

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An Ordinance of the Homer City Council, Enacting Homer City Code Chapter 9.20, Hotel Tax; and Submitting to the Qualified Voters of the City at the October 6, 2015 Regular City Election the Question of Levying a Tax of 2.5% in Addition to the General City Sales Tax on Rent for Occupancy of a Room in a Hotel, Motel, Inn, Bed and Breakfast or Similar Structure. Lewis.

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An Ordinance of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Appropriating  Funds in the Amount of $1,121,591 from the Homer Permanent Fund to Pay Off the Library Construction Loan.

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