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Effective Date Resolution ID Summary Details
Mon 4/10/23 23-032

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Approving a Lease with Alaska Scrap and Salvage for a term of Eight Years with Two One-Year Options for Renewal and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Mon 4/10/23 23-031

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Authorizing the City Manager to Apply to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services for a Healthy and Equitable Communities Grant in Support of the Homer Community Health Improvement Plan and the Bayview Park Renovation Project.

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Mon 4/10/23 23-030

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Supporting Improvements to the Properties of the Homer Public Library, According to a Design Plan Developed by the Friends of the Homer Library, Contingent upon the Availability of Funds for Construction. Aderhold/Venuti.

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Tue 3/28/23 23-029(A)

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Requesting the State of Alaska make a Meaningful Increase to the Base Student Allocation for Public Schools. Aderhold. 

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Tue 3/28/23 23-028

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Supporting the Alaska Legislature Adopting Definitions Related to Electric Bicycles and Allowing Municipalities to Regulate Them. Aderhold.

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Tue 3/28/23 23-027

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Awarding a Task Order in the Amount of $45,000 to HTRW, LLC of Anchorage, Alaska to test for PCB Laden Materials at the Homer Education and Recreation Complex (HERC) Buildings and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director. 

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Tue 3/28/23 23-026

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska in Support of Entering into the US Army Corps of Engineers General Investigation Study for the New Large Vessel Harbor and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Tue 3/28/23 23-025

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Authorizing a Task Order to RESPEC in an amount not to Exceed $15,000 for Conceptual Design of the Fish Waste Grinder Building Replacement Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents.

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Mon 3/13/23 23-024

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the City of Homer Fee Schedule Under Library. City Clerk/Library Director.

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Mon 3/13/23 23-023

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Supporting the Construction of a Parking Lot to Serve the Eastern End of the East End Bike Path. Aderhold.

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Mon 3/13/23 23-022

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Authorizing a Task Order for Construction Management Services for the Pioneer Dock Fender Repair Project to RESPEC in an Amount not to Exceed $30,000 and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Mon 3/13/23 23-021

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Awarding the Contract for the Pioneer Dock Fender Repair Project to Alaska Industrial Services LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $280,404 and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Port Director.

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Mon 2/27/23 23-020

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Approving a Five Year Land Lease Extension with the State Of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) for the Homer Airport Terminal Building and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Mon 2/27/23 23-019

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Relinquishing its Privilege to Appoint a Community Representative to the Board of Directors of the Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association. Mayor.

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Mon 2/27/23 23-018

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Authorizing a Task Order to HDR Engineering in an Amount Not to Exceed $63,070 for Grant Writing Services for a FY2023 Federal Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) Grant to Support Replacing Float Systems in Homer’s Small Boat Harbor and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Port Director.

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Mon 2/27/23 23-017 Vetoed

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Approving a Contract with Agnew Beck Consulting of Anchorage, Alaska for an Amount not to Exceed $650,000 for the Purpose of Developing a New Comprehensive Plan and a Complete Update of the Title 21 Zoning and Planning Code and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Mon 2/27/23 23-016

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Awarding a Contract to South Central Construction, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska in the amount of $822,844 for the E. Bunnell/Charles Way Water and Sewer Main Extension Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Mon 2/13/23 23-015

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Supporting the Homer Planning Commission's Reconsideration of its February 1, 2023 Approval of a Preliminary Plat for the Forest Trails Subdivision; and Urging the Planning Commission to Include a Reference to New Requirements Related to Sidewalks Laid out in Homer City Code 11.04.120. Davis/Erickson.

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Mon 2/13/23 23-014

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Intending to Add Rogers Loop Off-Street Parking Project to its Capital Improvement Plan and to Work with Homer Trails Alliance on Trails and Trailhead Related Projects if the Organization Receives a Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) Grant from the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AK DOT&PF). Aderhold/Davis.

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Mon 2/13/23 23-013

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska in Support of the City of Homer's Application to the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AK DOT&PF) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) for the Homer All Ages and Abilities Pedestrian Path (HAPP) and Committing Local Match Funds. City Manager.

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Mon 2/13/23 23-012

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Expressing Support for the Realizing Equitable Accessible Connectivity in Homer (REACH) Project and Endorsing the City's Application to the FY23Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) for REACH Planning and Design Funds. City Manager.

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Mon 2/13/23 23-011

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska in Support of the City of Homer's Application to the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AK DOT&PF) Community Transportation Program (CTP) for Main Street Rehabilitation and Committing Local Match Funds. City Manager.

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23-010 Failed

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Awarding a Contract to HTRW, LLC of Anchorage, Alaska in the Amount of $45,000 to Test for PCB's at the Homer Education and Recreation Complex (HERC) Buildings and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Mon 2/13/23 23-009

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Acknowledging the City of Homer December 2022/January 2023 Surplus Equipment Sale Results. City Clerk.

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Mon 1/23/23 23-008

A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Encouraging the Kenai Peninsula Borough to have the Homer Solid Waste Transfer Facility Open on Sundays to Accept Household Waste. Mayor.

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