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Format: 2024
Effective Date Resolution ID Summary Details
Mon 8/12/24 24-082

Resolution 24-082, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Commending the Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s 25 years studying the Kachemak Bay ecosystem and educating area residents and visitors about the importance of our natural environment. Aderhold.

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Mon 7/22/24 24-081

Resolution 24-081, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending Task Order 24-03 Awarded to HDR for Homer Harbor Expansion General Investigation Work-in-Kind Engineering Support Services to Additionally Include United States Army Corps of Engineers Requested Bathymetric Mapping and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Port Director.

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Mon 7/22/24 24-080

Resolution 24-080, A Resolution of the Homer City Council Approving the City Manager Contract with Melissa Jacobsen and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Appropriate Documents. Mayor/City Council.

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Mon 8/12/24 24-079

Resolution 24-079, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Providing Comments to the Alaska State Legislature Regarding the Impact of Tax Exemptions on Municipalities. Aderhold.

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Mon 7/22/24 24-078

Resolution 24-078, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer Alaska Supporting the City of Kenai Joint Resolution 2024-001 and the City of Kenai's Small Community Air Service Development Grant Proposal to Support Incentives Aimed at Directo Air Service from the Kenai Municipal Airport to Seattle/Tacoma and the Lower 48. City Manager.

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Mon 7/22/24 24-077

Resolution 24-077, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Supporting a Partnership between the City, University of Alaska and the Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve to Submit a Grant Application to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for Funding to Acquire and Protect Lands within the Bridge Creek Watershed Protection District. Aderhold.

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Mon 8/12/24 24-076

Resolution 24-076, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Amending City of Homer Personnel Regulations, Chapter 10, Discipline - Causes and Actions and Chapter 11, Communication, Grievance and Appeal Procedures to Delegate Authority for Personnel Appeals to the State of Alaska Office of Administrative Hearings. City Manager/HR Director.

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Mon 7/1/24 24-075(S)

Resolution 24-075(S), A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Authorizing the Interim City Manager Mayor to Sign a Landlord Letter of Consent for the South Peninsula Hospital as Part of their Application for the Health Resources and Services Administration Congressionally Directed Spending Funding Opportunity. City Manager.Mayor

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24-074 Failed

Resolution 24-074, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska in Support of Kenai Peninsula Borough Resolution 2024-029 Placing an Area Wide Question on the October 2024 Ballot asking Whether the Borough Should Levy Up to A 12% Tax on Short Term Accommodation Rentals and Overnight Camping Facilities, Exempt these Rentals from the General Sales Tax, and Provide that All Cities within the Kenai May Exempt up to One-Half of the Borough’s Tax on these Rentals. Mayor/City Council.

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Mon 6/17/24 24-073

Resolution 24-073, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, In Support of Amendment 123 to the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Management Area Which Amends Regulations Governing Limits on the Pacific Halibut Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) and Links the Halibut PSC Limit for the Amendment 80 Commercial Groundfish Trawl Fleet in the BSAI Groundfish Fisheries to Halibut Abundance. Mayor

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Mon 6/17/24 24-072

Resolution 24-072, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer Alaska Awarding a Contract for the Construction of the Homer Airport Terminal Sidewalk Replacement Project to the Firm of Peninsula Builders, LLC of Homer, Alaska in the Amount of  $249,961.36 and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director. 

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Mon 6/10/24 24-071

Resolution 24-071, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Establishing a Right of Way Policy Evaluation Team on Cutting, Clearing or Removal of Trees and Vegetation Located within Public Rights of Way. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Mon 6/10/24 24-070

Resolution 24-070, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Authorizing A Change Order to the Ben Walters Lane Sidewalk Improvement Project in the Amount of $56,300 to Reduce the Sidewalk Width to Eight Feet and Widen the Roadway Repaving to Include the Distance from New Curb to the Centerline of Ben Walters Lane and Authorizes the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 6/11/24 24-069

Resolution 24-069, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Amending the 2024 City Council Meeting Schedule for June. Interim City Manager.

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Tue 6/11/24 24-068

Resolution 24-068, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Approving a Lease Assignment from Y&C, LLC to Berth II, Inc. for a New 20 Year Lease for Lot 32 as shown on Plat  No. 89-34  at the Annual Rate of $23,653.44 and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager.

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Mon 6/10/24 24-067

Resolution 24-067, A Resolution of the Homer City Council Confirming the Assessment Roll, Establishing Dates for Payment of Special Assessments and Establishing Delinquency, Penalty, and Interest Provisions for the Charles Way/Bunnell Avenue Water Improvement Special Assessment District. City Clerk.

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Mon 6/10/24 24-066

Resolution 24-066, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Approving a Recreational Use Agreement between the City of Homer and the Kachemak Nordic Ski Club Regarding the Maintenance and Operation of Nordic Ski Trails on Three City Owned Properties in the Baycrest Ski Area including Construction of an Equipment Shed and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/Community Development Director.

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Mon 6/10/24 24-065

Resolution 24-065, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Authorizing City Staff to Continue with the FEMA BRIC Grant Application Process with a 25% Local Match to Include Staff Time, Materials, and Cash as Requested by the Sub-Applicant, the State of Alaska Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management as the Sub-Applicant. City Manager.

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Mon 6/10/24 24-064

Resolution 24-064, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Awarding the Contract for the Solid Waste Collection and Disposal for a Three Year Term with Two One-Year Renewal Options to Alaska Waste – Kenai Peninsula, LLC of Soldotna, Alaska and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/ Port Director.

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Tue 5/28/24 24-063

Resolution 24-063, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Approving a Contract to Alaska Education and Recreational Products, LLC to Purchase Playground Equipment and Safety Surface Material in an Amount Not to Exceed $39,753 and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute the Appropriate Documents. City Manager/City Engineer.

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Tue 5/28/24 24-062

Resolution 24-062, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Loan Agreement with the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for an Alaska Drinking Water Fund Loan in the Not to Exceed Principal Amount of $415,670 for the Bunnell Avenue/Charles Way Water Improvement Project. City Manager/Public Works Director.

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Tue 5/28/24 24-061

Resolution 24-061, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska Authorizing the City Manager to execute the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund Loan Agreement #409361 for the Homer Bunnell-Charles Way Sewer Main Extension and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement #409351-S for the Bunnell-Charles Way Water Main Extension. City Manager.

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Tue 5/28/24 24-060

Resolution 24-060, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer Alaska, Authorizing the City Manager to Dispose of Used and Surplus Equipment Pursuant to Homer City Code 18.30. City Manager.

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Tue 5/28/24 24-059

Resolution 24-059, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Establishing the City of Homer Property Tax Mil Levy Rate at 4.5 Mils for 2024. City Manager

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Tue 5/28/24 24-058

Resolution 24-058, A Resolution of the City Council of Homer, Alaska, Establishing a 2024 Mil Rate of 1 Mil for the Ocean Drive Loop Special Service District. City Manager.

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