Public Meeting for Kenai Peninsula Borough Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Update

Kenai Peninsula Borough Community Wildlife Protection Plan Update Event

The Kenai Peninsula Borough is holding a public meeting about the Southern Kenai Peninsula’s Community Wildlife Protection Plan Friday, July 23rd at West Homer Elementary School from 4 pm to 6 pm.  You are invited to attend and give input on area wildfire planning, response and recovery.

The CWPP serves as a guiding document for fire and emergency managers and agencies that manage land within the Kenai Peninsula.  The Kenai Peninsula Borough is holding public meetings borough-wide to get local feedback so that the plan represents local preferences for emergency management, education and outreach, and fuels reduction activities to effectively lower wildfire risk.

The CWPP is yours and your engagement in the process will be invaluable. For more information, read the Open House Informational flier attached below or contact Brenda Ahlberg, Kenai Peninsula Borough Office of Emergency Management at or 907-714-2153, or Emily Geery, Project Manager, at

CWPP Open House Information on GOVdelivery 071321.pdf, or