

Be A Part of the Solution! Safely Dispose of Unused Prescription Drugs

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, October 27th encourages people to get out and get rid of unused or unwanted prescription medication.

This disposal program is a simple, sensible way to dispose of any un-needed prescription medication -- with no questions asked.  By participating, you are doing your part to reduce the amount of drugs entering the environment or becoming a source of drug abuse in the community. 

April 30th is National Drug Take Back Day

National Drug Take Back Day encourages you to clean out your cabinets of drugs of any type: prescription, over-the-counter or illegal, expired, unused, or unwanted drugs--including prescription drugs for pain, like opioids, ointments, vitamins, samples, even medications for pets.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Concerning Wildlife

Found a dead or injured Sea Otter? An Eagle that can't quite fly?  Moose that won't go away?  We know what to do.

Although very cute and fuzzy, sea otters are wild animals with teeth.  They can carry diseases that can be passed onto domestic animals and humans.  Please when around a hauled out otter keep your pets restrained.  Photos and videos are ok at a 100' distance.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 makes it illegal to touch marine mammals without authorization. 

I hear commercial vehicles using jake brakes, aren't they unlawful?

"Jake brakes," defined as a hydraulic engine attachment which converts a diesel engine into an air compressor and when engaged operates to slow the vehicle, are permitted while traveling downhill on the following roadways in Homer;

The Sterling Highway from Milepost 169 (top of Baycrest Hill) to mile 173 (intersection with Pioneer Avenue), Main Street, East Hill Road and West Hill Road.

HCC 7.06.020
