Inviting Public Comment on the Transportation Plan Draft

spit road with school bus, grass and mountains

The City of Homer recognizes the critical role that transportation plays in shaping the community's livability, sustainability, and economic vitality. The Homer Area Transportation Plan, originally developed in 2001 and adopted in 2005, served as a 20-year transportation planning tool for the City, aimed at identifying needs, guiding planning efforts, and facilitating funding for road and trail capital improvement projects. As we look forward to the next two decades, an updated plan is essential to align with our evolving needs. This renewed plan is closely integrated with the City's Comprehensive Plan (PDF), reflecting our overarching vision for the future.

Get Involved!

Your voice matters in shaping the direction of our transportation system. The Public Review Draft (PDF) of the Transportation Plan is now available for public comment, and we invite you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and insights. This is your opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the way we move, connect, and thrive in our city.

To provide your feedback on the Public Review Draft (PDF), please send your comments to by Tuesday, October 10, 2023. 

Paper copies of the draft plan and comment forms are also available at City Hall and the Homer Public Library.

Stop by the Public Open House