Road Maintenance

City of Homer Alaska Official Website

Public Works equipment operators are responsible for grading and dust control on 29 miles of rural roads and pavement repair and sweeping on 21 miles of urban roads; winter sand/salt applications, snow removal, street and traffic control signing, striping, and drainage ditch, storm drain, and culvert maintenance.


Right-of-Way is for Plows not parking, graders not gardens, snow storage not SUVs

Right-of-Ways and easements are used by the City to maintain roadways and to access water ways and utilities.  Blocking right-of-ways interferes with the Public Works Department's ability to efficiently clear roads, keep traffic flowing and to service utilities.  Please keep things like vehicles, fences, gardens and snow removal out of the right of way.

Ordinance 22-40 prohibits obstruction and encroachments of the right-of-way and easements and makes obstructing city services a finable offense under Homer City Code General Penalty Chapter 1.16.

Brush Cutting: Maintaining Our Roads & Right-Of-Ways

From mid-May until the weather starts to freeze, Public Works conducts the Drainage Improvement Program to re-establish road side ditches and maintain the right-of-way along city roads. By keeping the drainage ditches and right-of-ways clear, we extend the life of roads, improve our level of service and reduce long term maintenance costs.  You can help too!