Right-of-Way Ordinance in Effect

Right-of-Way is for Plows not parking, graders not gardens, snow storage not SUVs

Right-of-Ways and easements are used by the City to maintain roadways and to access water ways and utilities.  Blocking right-of-ways interferes with the Public Works Department's ability to efficiently clear roads, keep traffic flowing and to service utilities.  Please keep things like vehicles, fences, gardens and snow removal out of the right of way.

Ordinance 22-40 prohibits obstruction and encroachments of the right-of-way and easements and makes obstructing city services a finable offense under Homer City Code General Penalty Chapter 1.16.

What does that mean to you?

  • Road Maintenance: Vehicles and other private property need to be kept out of right-of-ways and easements to allow city crews to do routine road maintenance.
  • Stormwater Drainage Ways:  Keep brush and debris out of storm drains. Help us keep this area clear for optimum drainage capacity.
  • Snow Removal: Keep vehicles and other items out of the right-of-way. Do not push snow from your property into the right-of-way or road. This creates a safety hazard and interferes with snow plows doing their job to keep the roads safe and passable for everyone.  

If you have questions about the right-of-way and how it applies to your home or business, please call the City of Homer Public Works Department at 907-235-3170.