Voter Registration

In order to be eligible to vote in an election other than the Presidential election in November you must be registered to vote 30 days prior to the specific election you wish to vote.

You can stop in to City Hall and the City Clerk's Office will be glad to assist you with the necessary paperwork.


To register to vote or update your voter registration record, you (or an individual with a general power of attorney or special power of attorney authorizing that individual to register you) must complete and sign a Voter Registration Application.

You can register online at either electronically or using the paper form below you can fill it out on your computer and bring it in to the City Clerk's Office. 

To register electronically, you must  have a valid Alaska driver’s license or state ID.  Your information will be validated through DMV and your signature will come from your DMV record.  If you cannot be validated through DMV, you will have the option to register using a paper form that you will be required to print, sign and  return to the Division of Elections.