Development Activity Plan

The goal of the Development Activity Plan (DAP) is to ensure that construction activity is proactive in minimizing the effects of erosion, sediment transport, water runoff and pollutants.

A Development Activity Plan is needed in the Residential Office, (RO), Medical (M), Central Business District (CBD), Town Center District, Gateway Business District (GBD), General Commercial 1 (GC1), General Commercial 2 (GC2), and East End Mixed Use (EEMU) zone districts when:

  • Land disturbing activity of 10,000 square feet or greater;
  • The cumulative addition of 5,000 square feet or greater of impervious surface area from the pre-development conditions;
  • Grading, filling or excavating involving the movement of 1,000 cubic yards of material;
  • Grading activities that will result in a temporary or permanent slope having a steepness of 3:1 and having a total slope height, measured vertically from toe of slope to top of slope, exceeding 5 feet;
  • Grading activities that will result in the diversion of existing drainage courses, both natural or human-made, from their existing point of entry or exit from the grading site;
  • Any land clearing or grading on slopes steeper than 20%, or within 20 feet of wetlands, streams, or ponds.

Submit the Development Activity Plan Form and a detailed design, in text and diagrams, along with photos of installed pre-construction measures.

The Alaska Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Guide is a great resource. The illustrations clearly show how to install and maintain Best Management Practices.