Wayfinding Streetscape Planning

Photo of family sitting on bench and admiring a flower garden on the sidewalk at intersection of Pioneer Ave & Main St in Homer.

The City of Homer developed a Wayfinding and Streetscape Plan in 2022. The goal of the project was to develop a thoughtful wayfinding plan and an inviting streetscape improvement plan that supports a vibrant Pioneer Avenue corridor, Central Business District, and connections to the Homer Spit.

What is wayfinding and streetscape?
Wayfinding uses landmarks, signage and pathways to help visitors and residents more easily navigate and more fully experience Homer. Streetscape design such as waysides, site furniture and plantings help make the journey safer and more enjoyable. This project will provide the City with a long-term plan and design standards for developing streetscapes and placement of vehicular and pedestrian-focused signs.

Contact the Planning Department at 907-235-3106 or planning@ci.homer.ak.us for more information.