How do I vacate a utility easement?

If the parcel is within the City of Homer limits, the City Planning department will schedule your request with the City’s Planning Commission [2.72.030(b) Duties and powers] so they can review the request and recommend/deny approval to the KPB Planning Commission.

To submit for a utility easement vacation, the applicant would first submit to the City their written request, a sketch showing the area to be altered, the reason for alteration, and comments from utility companies. Once the department deems an application complete, staff will schedule the request on a City Planning Commission agenda. Agenda deadlines can be found on the Planning Commission Agenda Deadlines webpage.

Once the City’s Planning Commission meeting has occurred, the applicant would submit the application fee, City minutes, comments from utility companies, a sketch showing the area to be altered, and the reason for alteration to the KPB Platting department. Once KPB has a complete application, their office schedules it for the next meeting and notifies property owners within 600 feet. The KPB Planning Commission will approve or deny the vacation. If approved, the petitioners can finalize by plat or resolution adopted by the KPB Planning Commission. If denied, a new application cannot be submitted for one year unless new information is presented.

For more information, contact the KPB Planning department at 907-714-2200 or planning@kpb.us.